(ESRC 2013 - 2016)
Principal Investigator: Dr Sophie Hadfield-Hill, University of Birmingham
The New Urbanisms in India research project investigated the everyday lives of children, young people and their families living in a site of urban change in India. Through an extensive period of ethnographic fieldwork (January – November 2015) and use of mixed, innovative methodologies (individual in-depth interviews, guided walks, creative methods, focus groups, community based workshops and the use of a mobile app ‘Map My Community’), data was collected from 350 children, young people and their families. The research and findings offer a major insight into the everyday lives of children and their families at a site of urban transformation in India. Significant new knowledge has been generated about the lived experience of urban change. Twelve core themes emerged from the analysis: education provision; (dis)connection; a place in the making; nature and green space; experiences of play; being and feeling safe; experiencing inequality; opportunities; tourism vs. living; being part of urban change; lived experience of financial turmoil and imagining a future.
The final project report can be downloaded here:
Reference: Hadfield-Hill, S. and Zara, C. (2017) Final report: ‘New Urbanisms in India: Urban living, sustainability and everyday life. University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK